Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy NRD!!!

i had no idea there was a national running day, but apparently it is celebrated today; june 3rd.  it was supposed to be a rest day for me; however, coach made exception, and ok-ed an easy 3 miler in commemoration of the day.  

didn't take any music with me for this one.  it was an entertain myself with my own thoughts day.  spent some time thinking about how running has changed things in my life on so many levels.

1.) i am healthier than i have ever been, and not just from the actual cardio activity.  because i am working hard on being the best runner i can be, i think about everything i put into my body. (for the most part. ie. vodka) 

2.) running has provided me great mental solace.  there's been lots of shstuff on my plate recently, and i've survived it like a champ!  

3.) running is so empowering! if you would have asked me 5 years ago if i could run a marathon, i would have laughed in your face.  the thought of running 26.2 miles sounded absolutely absurd!  now i am constantly trying to convince people of how easy it is if you just put a little work into it.  anyone can do, and you will feel like a million bucks when you do!  i can do anything i set my mind to!!  

4.) i love runners!  i have met the most amazing people through my running.  such camaraderie and spirit!!

i am thankful every day that i am healthy and able to enjoy my sport.  go run people!!!


Valentine401 said...

I would have to agree with you on all four points, although I am still working towards my 26.2. Running without an IPOD really does give you lots of time to think.

Enjoy NRD!

Streaker said...

This Friday is National Donut Day! Another good day to run, but you will need to run at least one mile to burn off the donut you eat that day.

Tommy said...

I didn't know about NRD and I took the day off. But I am glad I know about National Donut Day now...

atrusni said...

Nice post!! It is great all the things running can do for you!! I felt the same way a couple if weeks ago until I cane to this stupid injury. Really feel out if shape now that I stopped running for two weeks now!!

Really enjoyed reading this post!!

David said...

Goin' for a sub 4! That's also what I'm shootin' for in January.